The question of the US withdrawal (of Biden and Trump) from Afghanistan and the 2020 Doha agreement: the point of General Piero Laporta, our new signature

La firma dell'accordo di Doha il 29 settembre 2020
US representative Zalmay Khalilzad (left) and Taliban representative Abdul Ghani Baradar (right) sign the agreement in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020. [State Department photo by Ron Przysucha/ Public Domain]
Piero Laporta, Gen. D.g. (Riserva) - General (reserve)
Piero Laporta, Gen. D.g. (Riserva) – General (reserve)

We welcome Piero Laporta, General of the Division of the Arma del Genio, in reserve since 2010 (his CV here), who from today honors us with his signature which is added to that of more and more “professionals” from various sectors who choose for their “contributions” of independent thought and information. The director


Joe Biden became president on January 20, 2021 (here the Italian Version of the article, ndr). He has applied the Doha agreement in Kabul, signed on February 29, 2020 between the US and the Taliban, and later approved by the United Nations. The agreement was conceived, initiated and signed by Donald Trump.

Those who endorse the thesis that the situation spiraled out of control of the US military forces do not know what they are talking about or are in bad faith, without excluding both things together.

The ability of the US general staff to acquire, process and disseminate information, consequently issuing sustainable operational orders in real time, is beyond all imagination.

If, on the other hand, we trust the vulgate of the authoritative Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa[1] and so on, we drink the claptrap of a brigade of shabby cutthroats, able to seize in a couple of days a country larger than France, with 35 million of inhabitants; meanwhile the mythical “international community” was distracted.

The cutthroat enterprise would have succeeded because the Afghan army melted like snow in the sun, claims the ineffable Biden; the US staff would not have noticed what was happening. Nonsense. If that were true, clusters of heads would have fallen in Washington and London. Nonsense, picked as exquisite truths by so-called strategic experts.

Nonsense. To understand this, we have to remember the constellation of satellites stationed over Afghanistan and charged of controlling the territory (inch by inch), the movements of men, vehicles and equipment, listening in real time to all types of communication. The moving pack of cutthroats could not escape, as their real intentions were well known.

Kabul fell because no sustainable orders were issued to its army – like an Afghan September 8[2] – in Afghanistan, as consequence of the negotiations between the US and the Taliban, well over a year ago, without involving the legitimate Afghan government. The Afghan ministers and president, as got the hint, have run away.

A foregone conclusion then, nothing of surprising. “The army needs well-ordered orders” observed a certain Machiavelli[3] five centuries ago. Since then, this law has been in force without exception. If you do not give orders to an army, it melts at the first fart of the enemy.

Biden’s obscene thesis, according to which Afghanistan fell because the Afghan army turned out to be cowardly, only convinces those unfamiliar with US military potential. If Biden had really been surprised by the Taliban and really wanted to stop the cutthroats spreading, he would have no need of the Afghan army. It would have been enough for him to employ the two Airborne Divisions, the 81st and 101st. They are always immediately usable. A phone call from the President is enough. The President call did not come. The triumphal march of the cutthroats on Kabul would not have taken place, the transfer of power would have been more dignified and safer, at least for the poor populations if Biden had made a phone call.

These hypotheses, it is clear, after the Doha agreements, signed by Trump, had no chance. The Taliban knew this and acted accordingly.

Now the cherry clam journalists, the strategic analysts of the sports bar are moved by the children, thrown by their mothers into the arms of escaping Western soldiers. Instead, tell us what other outcome they expected, when Donald Trump, yes, the idol of so many fools, negotiated the release of 5,000 Afghan detainees, to get them into the Taliban fighting forces, also lifting the sanctions against the Taliban. The DOHA agreement also provides for positive relations between the United States and the Taliban, which would have allowed the Western delegations to leave safely, as has happened. Now relations between the US and the Taliban are so positive, at least for one of the two sides. Biden reverse the charges on Trump. He is right, as far as we have said. But today Biden is the President. He has full powers. A phone call from him would have been enough; if he hasn’t done it, it’s for his interests.

This agreement, signed by Trump, had two stone guests, Russia and Turkey. After Biden took over, China sat at the head of the table. It is after all Biden’s favorite business partner, with and without Covid-19. That’s all the news.

As usual, when business and politics are confused, confusion triumphs even before corruption. This is exactly what happens in the States as in Europe. Today it is more legitimate than ever to ask what NATO is for and what is the use of allying with the United States if this is the result. Those who draw parallels with Saigon and Viet Nam do not know what they are talking about. This is a far more serious and profound crisis. It is the crisis of the whole West; while in its time, Viet Nam could have mattered relatively. Kabul’s suffering will soon reverberate inside and outside the United States.

According to the singers of the New World Order, very soon we will have a single world government, a single currency and a single army. Here, in Kabul we have heard and seen the prolegomena of the New World Order, conceived by these big brains. “Against the idiots not even the gods can do anything,” assured Friedrich Schiller. All would be laughable if we didn’t know about those poor mothers and the dead killed by cutthroats, all in all less responsible than the idiots in power, Trump and Biden in the front row. What’s more, now new generations of idiots are appearing, ask Giuseppe Conte[4] for anyone who doubts.

In a hundred years, historians will investigate (in vain?) the reasons for today’s triumphant idiocy. “Deus dementat quos perdere vult”[5] might be a good explanation. If this were, it would not be necessary to wait for the results of historical investigations. We are in the hands of God; let’s hope he doesn’t applaud.


[1] Corriere della Sera, Repubblica and La Stampa are the biggest Italian newspapers

[2] 1943, September 8 when the Italian Army scattered because of the lack of orders

[3] Niccolò Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, philosopher, and historian who lived during the Renaissance.

[4] Giuseppe Conte, former Italian Premier, welcoming the Taliban as reliables

[5] God makes fools who wants to destroy


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Articolo successivoOggi, 22 agosto, 12mo anniversario tragedia di “Falco”. Zaia: dolore per questi eroi non si affievolisce, è scolpito nelle montagne e nel cuore”
Generale Piero Laporta
Italian Version. Dal 1994, osservate le ambiguità del giornalismo italiano (nel frattempo degenerate), Piero Laporta s’è immerso nella pubblicistica senza confinarsi nei temi militari, come d'altronde sarebbe stato naturale, considerando il lavoro svolto a quel tempo, responsabile della branca Strategia Globale dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa. Non si è mai iscritto all’Ordine dei giornalisti, erede della corporazione fascista, fondata allo scopo di escludere gli ebrei dal giornalismo. Ha scritto oltre 4mila articoli per giornali e riviste, italiani e non (Libero, Il Tempo, Il Giornale, Limes, World Security Network, ItaliaOggi, Corriere delle Comunicazioni, Arbiter, Il Mondo e La Verità). Ha scritto “in Salita, vita di un imprenditore meridionale”, è coautore di “Mass Media e Fango” con Vincenzo Mastronardi. Oggi, definitivamente disgustato della codardia e della faziosità disinformante di tv e carta stampata, ha deciso di collaborare solo con l'informazione libera sul Web, come Stilum Curia (blog di Marco Tosatti) e di Giovanni Coviello. Il suo più spiccato interesse è quindi la comunicazione sul web, cioè il presente e il futuro della libertà di espressione. Ha fondato il sito per il blog OltreLaNotizia. Lingue conosciute: dialetto di Latiano (BR) quasi dimenticato, scarsa conoscenza del dialetto del paese natio, Putignano (BA), buona conoscenza del palermitano, ottima conoscenza del vernacolo del suo paese adottivo, San Giovanni Rotondo, inglese e un po' di italiano. Reputa grottesca l’idea di un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, non di meno fatale alla sopravvivenza di miliardi di persone e finalizzata a un conflitto mondiale nucleare. È cattolico, non apprezza il neoumanista globalista Bergoglio e neppure quanti lo odiano; è sposatissimo, ha due figli. Piero Laporta, generale di Divisione dell’Arma del Genio, in pensione dal 2010. English Version. Since 1994, observing the ambiguities of Italian journalism (degenerated in the meantime), Piero Laporta has concentrated herself publishing beyond military issues, as indeed would have been natural, considering he was chief of the Global Strategy branch of the Defense Staff. However he never joined the Order of Journalists, heir to the fascist corporation, founded with the aim of excluding Jews from journalism. He has written over 4 thousand articles for newspapers and magazines, not only Italian (Libero, Il Tempo, Il Giornale, Limes, World Security Network, ItaliaOggi, Corriere delle Comunicazioni, Arbiter, Il Mondo and La Verità). He wrote "in Salita, vita di un imprenditore meridionale", he is co-author of "Mass Media e fango" with Vincenzo Mastronardi. Today, definitively disgusted with the cowardice and disinformation bias of TV and newspapers, he has decided to collaborate only with free information on the Web, such as Stilum Curia (Marco Tosatti's catholic blog) and Giovanni Coviello's His greatest interest is therefore communication on the web, that is, the present and the future of freedom of expression. He founded the site for the OltreLaNotizia blog. Known languages: almost forgotten dialect of Latiano (a small country in deep South o Italy) , poor knowledge of the dialect of the native country, Putignano (nearby BARI), good knowledge of dialect of Palermo in Sicily, excellent knowledge of the vernacular of his adopted country, San Giovanni Rotondo (nearby FOGGIA). He knows a bit of English and little Italian. He considers grotesque a New World Order, nevertheless fatal for the survival of billions of people and aimed at a nuclear world conflict. He is a Catholic, he does not appreciate the globalist neo-humanist Bergoglio or even those who hate him. He is very married, he has two sons. Piero Laporta, 2 Stars Army General (Corps of Engineers), retired